
inserts a value into a key:

$config->set('foo', 'bar');

That will add the following to the config array:

    [foo] => bar

To set nested config values, you can use dots to seperate keys:

$config->set('font.roboto.italic.regular', 'roboto-regular-italic.woff');

That will add the following to the config array:

  [font] => Array
      [roboto] => Array
          [italic] => Array
              [regular] => roboto-regular-italic.woff



returns the value for a given key:

$config->get('foo'); // bar

To access nested config values, you can use dots to seperate keys:

$fontlist = $config->get('font.roboto.italic'); // Array
$fontfile = $config->get('font.roboto.italic.regular'); // roboto-regular-italic.woff

You can optionally specify a fallback value in case the desired key is not present:

$config->get('app.server.port', '8080');

To retrieve the whole configuration, just call get without arguments:




checks wether a setting exists or not

$config->has('foo.sub.key'); // true



removes a key from the settings




Adds another array to the configuration. The data is merged, which means that keys with the same name will overwrite previously existing ones. Maybe a possibility to insert them with changed names should be implemented here?
