Creating a Config object

Create a config object like this:

  $config = new Config($data);

where $data can be an array or a json string, a file or folder path.

Creating a Config object with a file as a parameter

To directly include a json file, use

$config = new Config(PATH . 'example.json');

The only requirement is the complete path to be valid.  

I often use php files like the one below to store configuration. So you could also use

$config = new Config(PATH . 'example.php');

PHP Config file:

return array(
  'foo' => 'bar'


Creating a Config object with a folder as a parameter

To parse a folder containing your configuration files, use

$config = new Config(PATH . 'app/config');

The only requirement is the complete path to be valid.  

INI files

A note on INI files: Honestly, why would you want to use those for configuration when you have php and json at hand? Maybe when I get a good idea on how to implement that in an elegant way.  

Advice on implementation

Incorporate this into your project: Set the namespace to that of your app and keep it in the app system directory. That way, you can access the config the most hassle-free way.
Catch possible exceptions: Libconfig will throw a RuntimeException immediately if data cannot be read. If you know something could go wrong, set up try-catch blocks.
Don't hardcode: Use config files whenever possible - for files, routes, i18n, paths and classlists, ... .
Be reasonable: There comes a point where redis or a real DB might make more sense. Reevaluate from time to time.
Hack the code however you like: You are free to use this library in any project, commercial or not (see the license). However, it would be nice of you to drop a curious fella a note what you used my work for and what you changed :).